
Who is the best quarterback in the National Football League (NFL)? Who is the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT)?

Every year these questions come up and people debate this matter on sport shows, bars, message boards, etc.

Statistics are brought up, intangibles are discussed, Super Bowl rings are factored but none of this has been able to provide a definitive answer to this never ending debate.

The problem with most traditional evaluating tools of quarterback performance is that they rely on faulty metrics and subjectivity enters individual evaluators’ minds clouding their judgment way too frequently.

Our present state of affairs is the main factor that turns most of these conversations on quarterbacking into ugly shouting matches that go nowhere.

In order to begin to find real answers to football questions like who is the best quarterback? We need to move past bias and turn to objectivity in thought and in tools used to evaluate performance.

Objective Quarterbacking’s goal is to push bias aside and use the best methods of assessing performance to come to the closest approximation of the actual truth.

Our Team

Rafael Castillo – Founder and managing editor of Objective Quarterbacking

Rafael is a Master of Business Administration (MBA) graduate and fan of the sport.

Twitter: @RCastilloTweets