QB Supporting Cast

In what is often called the ultimate team sport, football, a team’s success or failure is almost always placed on the shoulders of one player, the quarterback.

Is this fair or foul? In certain situations that might be valid in terms of giving credit or blame, though the majority of the time these players aren’t judged properly.

Most people forget the surrounding cast and unique set of circumstances each particular season brings and just look at the final results of a career, and either heap an unwarranted amount of praise for team wins on players or question why certain quarterbacks didn’t win enough.

The goal of this collection of data is to provide that context. It is highly likely after looking at this page, some individuals will argue that specific players actually won more than they should have or that they were in fact carried to their team accomplishments by a great supporting cast.

NFL Quarterback Supporting Cast (1981-Present)

Updated August 4, 2022

NFL Team Unit Rankings

Updated August 10, 2022

Decade Average:


Special Teams:

Offensive Line:

Rush Offense: